Siti Azizah is Hiring!!!
Mandatory Meeting discussing about the Upcoming Competition with other Program Study
On Tuesday, 24th October 2023. HMPS Bahasa Inggris, HMPS Bahasa Indonesia and HMPS Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan held a mandatory meeting for an upcoming new competition for Teacher’s Day, the Mandatory Meeting is to formalize the chosen committee and also discussing about what to prepare and what to do before the competition day starts. The meeting is attended by Mr. Tsabit Ali Haqq as the Main Advisor for the Competition.
Mandatory Meeting for a new Competition
On Tuesday, 17th October 2023. HMPS Bahasa Inggris held a mandatory meeting for an upcoming new competition for Teacher’s Day, the Mandatory Meeting is to determine the committee for the competition.
Maulid Nabi with Ust. Koko Liem, SQ., MA.
On Thursday, 12th October 2023. Uniski have a visitor to commemorate the Maulid of our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW, the visitor is no other than Ust. Koko Liem, SQ., MA. He is talking about his journey and struggle to join Islam and added some performance to his talk to make it more interesting. https://youtu.be/6IkVWaj_LPU?si=N3Ds0_tU0PeLBJHR
Bonding with New Semester Student
On Monday, 25th September 2023. HMPS Bahasa Inggris held a Friendship Bonding with new semester, attended by all Member of HMPS and some Student from third semester, the Friendship Bonding is held at Segitiga Emas Park of Kayu Agung OKI, and it was held with so spectacular.
Target Education Centre hiring a new teacher for all subject
Dibuka Lowongan Kerja untuk Tenaga Pengajar/Guru , untuk semua jurusan, ❤️ sarjana lulusan S1. atw minimal mahasiswa semester 5 Lamaran ditujukann ke LKP.Target Education Center tanjung raja jalan Laskar Nangcik no.19
Pancasila Day Competition 2023
On 1st June 2023 HMPS Bahasa Inggris held a Pancasila Day Competition, which attended by a High Schooler from different High School across Kayu Agung OKI and some Student from Target Education Centre. https://youtu.be/zWTsqiRVUZY?si=7wJk9Gs9r33wZT2U
MAN Insan Cendekia membuka Rekrutmen PTK
Kayuagung, Humas—Madrasah Unggulan Kementerian Agama, termasuk MAN Insan Cendekia OKI sedang membuka rekrutmen Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan (PTK) tahun 2023 secara nasional. Adapun formasi yang dibuka, yaitu 7 pendidik dan 2 pembina asrama. For further information check this site : https://manicoki.sch.id/2023/03/31/man-insan-cendekia-buka-rekrutmen-ptk-ini-persyaratannya/
Budiwijaya on Kayu Agung is Opening a Recruitment
Bee Happy Open Recruitment